
‘ADviser’ – September

This month’s ADviser we have news of this year’s flu campaign, welcome 99 amazing young people to the volunteer team, hear about one volunteer’s experience …

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‘ADviser’ – July 2019

With the hottest day July day on record in Cambridge, it has certainly been a scorcher!
In this month’s ‘ADviser’ we look hear from Volunteer …

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News Flash – 12 July 2019

In this week’s News Flash we have some feedback from the Volunteer Forum, news about a new Changing Places Toilet in Outpatients as well as …

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ADviser – May 2019

Its been a busy month for our volunteers with TV appearances, lots of training, and our young person programme volunteers have been celebrating!  We heard …

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News Flash – 24 May 2019

We’re really looking forward to Volunteer Week and in this week’s News Flash we have reminders about upcoming training, opportunities to book onto mandatory refresher …

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News Flash – 17 May 2019

In this week’s edition we have news of a workshop organised by the Frailty Network as well as reminders about upcoming events, the Staff Governor …

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News Flash – 10 May 2019

Its mid-May and our Staff Governor candidates have been announced, we have some news from Macmillan as well as a look forward to our Volunteer …

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News Flash – 3 May 2019

Its May already and we’re looking forward to and preparing for Volunteer Week during the first week of June.   In this week’s edition we have …

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‘ADviser’ – April 2019

This month’s ‘ADviser’ is full to the brim with news and articles about our amazing volunteers.  Read how volunteers on our Young Person’s Programme are …

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News Flash – 19 April 2019

In this week’s ‘early bird’ News Flash there’s a few reminders including how patients attending clinics can receive a discount for their car parking, training …

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