Friday Bulletin – 12 July 2024

In this edition we have news of the appointment of Baroness Sally Morgan as Chair of CUH.  There is also a reminder to let us know if your details have changed as well as to ensure your travel expenses are submitted to the Voluntary Services office by the 25th of each month.

Friday Bulletin – 12 July 24

There is still time to apply for September YPP cohort

If you or someone you know is aged 16-18, interested in volunteering and perhaps a career in healthcare, there is still chance to apply for the September Young Person Programme.  Its an amazing opportunity to give back to the community while experiencing life on wards by helping improve our patients’ experience.

For more information and to apply visit here

Applications close at midnight on 7 July 2024.

We’re now on Instagram! Follow and share us @cuh_volunteer for all the latest news and updates

We’re now on Instagram!  Follow and share us @cuh_volunteer for all the latest news

Volunteer Voice – 28 June 2024

In this edition we celebrate our amazing volunteers during Volunteer Week, plus there’s news from the Trust, volunteering in numbers and the launch of our Instagram page @cuh_volunteer

CUH Volunteer Voice June 2024

Friday Bulletin – 14 June 2024

We have a call for volunteers to circulate our ‘Guide to Volunteering’ magazine in their local area, an update on ward locations plus an opportunity to join in a twilight ‘Dance for Health’ session on 20 June.

Friday Bulletin 14 June24

Volunteer Voice – 26 April 2024

In this packed edition we have news of some fascinating tours during Volunteer Week plus opportunities to learn, to get fit as well as news from around our hospitals.

CUH Volunteer Voice – 26 April 2024

Friday Bulletin – 19 April 2024

In this edition we have a ‘Save the date’, news of the Cambridge Cancer Hospital as well as the 2024 edition of ‘The Guide to Volunteering.’

Friday Bulletin 19 April 24

Volunteer Voice – 28 March 2024

In this month’s Volunteer Voice we have exciting news, very positive reports, a great opportunity to showcase craft, plus a few reminders.

CUH Volunteer Voice – 28 March 2024

Friday Bulletin – 15 March 2024

This edition includes a life saving training opportunity, information regarding claiming travel expenses and HMRC as well as the chance to share your views about research.

Friday bulletin – 15 March 2024

Volunteer Voice – 23 February 2024

In this month’s edition we welcome many and say farewell to one.  There’s also information on violence and aggression, a thank you and opportunities for training.

CUH Volunteer Voice – 23 February 2024

Together - Safe, kind, Excellent
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