New Starters
Welcome to the team!
Congratulations on joining the volunteering team! We are pleased that you have joined us. The Voluntary Services staff and your fellow volunteers will ensure you feel welcomed on your first sessions. Here’s what you can expect:
- You will need to complete some initial online training which will prepare you for your role and provide you with all the information you need before you start volunteering. This is in two parts – e-induction and mandatory training modules.
- The e-induction will take approximately an hour and contains a wealth of information. The mandatory training modules cover topics including safeguarding, moving and handling and security, and take two hours to three hours to complete. These packages do not need to be completed in one go – there is an option to pause, take a break, and then to pick up again where you left off. However, you will need to complete both packages to be compliant. You will receive an email from DOT (Direct Online Training) with a username and password – you will be required to change/personalise the password. If you do not have a computer or tablet to complete the training on, or would like some support to do so, please do get in touch and we will be able to help you. The link to the learning is DOT login
- Once you have completed the online training, the Volunteer Coordinator will arrange your start date and time via email.
- For your first few session(s), you will be allocated a mentor – an experienced volunteer who will volunteer alongside you
- Mentoring will continue until you feel happy in your role and ready to be a fully-fledged member of the team
- Once you reach 30 hours, you will be eligible for the award of our 30 hour pin badge.
- Take a look at the skills guides and explore the volunteer community pages on this website
- If you have any suggestions about how we can improve our service please tell us – we are always seeking to make our volunteering roles relevant for patients and enjoyable for volunteers
- Please accept, on behalf of our patients and staff, our thanks for giving up your valuable time to help make a difference.
Volunteer handbook

Our Volunteer Handbook contains all the information you need when volunteering in any of our roles. It’s here for you to refer to, whenever you need it.