‘Adviser’ – January 2018

In this month’s jam-packed ‘Adviser’ we have an overview of CUH strategy, information on the CUH Foundation Trust Membership Office and volunteers can get involved, as well as all the usual favourites including dates for your diary and volunteering in numbers.

Adviser – January 2018

News Flash – 12 January 2018

This week’s News Flash we have news of our volunteer ward audits, how our new activity box can be used to help #end pj paralysis and a reminder of our book sale being held in the concourse on Thursday 8 February.

News flash 12 January 2018

News Flash – 5 January 2018

Happy New Year!  We hope all our volunteers have a very happy and healthy 2018 and look forward to seeing you soon.

In the first Friday News Flash of the year we have a message from Maggie Brown, Voluntary Services Manager, an update on flu and a note regarding ward volunteer resources.

News flash 5 January 2018

Adviser – 22 December 2017

In this festive edition we have a look back at 2017, an interview with Rachael who is an occupational therapist on J2, as well as all our regulars such as Volunteering in Numbers.

We wish all our volunteers a very merry Christmas and a peaceful and happy 2018.

Advisor – December 2017

News Flash – 15 December 2017

In this week’s News Flash we have news on the new Addenbrooke’s Discharge Unit (ADU), feedback following the Volunteer Forum as well as a request from ACT for volunteers.

News flash 15 December 2017

News Flash – 8 December 2017

This time we have a a report from the Mill Road Winter Fair, a request for ‘Top Tips’ as well as a request from ACT for volunteers to help staff sell Christmas baubles for their tree.

News flash 8 December 2017

News Flash – 1 December 2017

In this week’s News Flash we have lots of information  including an update on the Christmas get-togethers, an important message about claiming travel expenses, and reminder about Tuesday’s Volunteer Forum.

We’ll be at the Mill Road Winter Fair on Saturday 1 December so look forward to seeing lots of people there.

‘Adviser’ – November 2017

In this month’s ‘Adviser’ we have the regulars items including Volunteering in Numbers and Dates for your Diary.  There’s further information about the campaign to End PJ Paralysis and how our volunteers can and are helping, and this month we have Nina and Carol who are ward clerks on Lady Mary Ward in our ‘Guests’ Slot.

Adviser – November 2017

News Flash – 10 November 2017

In this week’s News Flash we’ve got some information about the campaign to #endpjparalysis, a Lewin fundraising event as well as a reminder about flu jabs.

News flash 10 November 2017

News Flash – Friday 3 November 2016

In this week’s News Flash, we’ve got an update on our book sale, a reminder regarding the importance of hand hygiene and an announcement about Mill Road Winter Fair.

News flash 3 November 2017

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