News Flash – 11 October 2019

It was World Mental Health Day on 10 October so this week’s News Flash includes important information of one way to seek help should you need it.  There was also a request for any beauty items e.g. shampoo, shower gels for patients who arrive onto the Neuro Critical Care Unit without these items, plus of course dates for the diary.

News Flash – 11 October 2019

‘ADviser’ – September

This month’s ADviser we have news of this year’s flu campaign, welcome 99 amazing young people to the volunteer team, hear about one volunteer’s experience working and living in Japan, news about our Dementia Champion role as well as all the usual favourites.

ADviser – September 2019

‘ADviser’ – July 2019

With the hottest day July day on record in Cambridge, it has certainly been a scorcher!

In this month’s ‘ADviser’ we look hear from Volunteer Guide Chris who explains how she came to be in Cambridge, learn how our volunteers have been helping year 10 students plus of course all the usual favourites of Monthly Montage, Volunteering in Numbers and Volunteer Opportunities.

ADviser – July 2019

News Flash – 12 July 2019

In this week’s News Flash we have some feedback from the Volunteer Forum, news about a new Changing Places Toilet in Outpatients as well as an invitation to join the new CUH Craft Group.

12th July 2019

ADviser – May 2019

Its been a busy month for our volunteers with TV appearances, lots of training, and our young person programme volunteers have been celebrating!  We heard about one volunteer’s career with horses plus of course we have all the usual Monthly Montage, Volunteering in Numbers.

ADviser – May 19

News Flash – 24 May 2019

We’re really looking forward to Volunteer Week and in this week’s News Flash we have reminders about upcoming training, opportunities to book onto mandatory refresher training, as well as 2 new exciting volunteer roles which you may be interested in.

News Flash – 24 May 2019

News Flash – 17 May 2019

In this week’s edition we have news of a workshop organised by the Frailty Network as well as reminders about upcoming events, the Staff Governor elections, as well as news about opportunities for young people aged 16-19.

News Flash – 17 May 2019

News Flash – 10 May 2019

Its mid-May and our Staff Governor candidates have been announced, we have some news from Macmillan as well as a look forward to our Volunteer Forum and Volunteer Long Service Awards and Celebration Lunch.

News Flash – 10 May 2019

News Flash – 3 May 2019

Its May already and we’re looking forward to and preparing for Volunteer Week during the first week of June.   In this week’s edition we have news of training and events as well as the opportunity to help support Active, the hospital’s young person’s board.

News Flash – 3rd May 2019

‘ADviser’ – April 2019

This month’s ‘ADviser’ is full to the brim with news and articles about our amazing volunteers.  Read how volunteers on our Young Person’s Programme are taking the next steps on their careers as well as all about the Ladybird floating along Great Ouse.   As well as an article about Macmillan, we have all the usual news, Volunteering in Numbers as well as what’s coming up.

Adviser -April 19

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