Virtual Volunteering Times – 29 May 2020

In this week’s edition we hear about Sue and Robbie’s trip to the Thames on their narrowboat ‘Cornmill,’ have some ideas for hobbies, a short story and another Self Isolation Island Discs, this time from a Nick Drake fan.

Virtual Volunteering Times – 29 May 20

Virtual Volunteering Times – 22 May 2020

This week there is a trip into the past for one volunteer, a trip to the other side of the world for another and some sun worshipping for another!

There’s also all the favourites including Jack’s Self Isolation Island Discs, a riddle, Where in the Trust, as well as a top tip about using WhatsApp.  Enjoy the read.

Virtual Volunteering Times – 22 May 20

Virtual Volunteering Times – 15 May 2020

This week’s edition is full of the arts!  We have music, dance, crochet, sculpture, painting and poetry to help get those creative juices going but if that’s not your thing we’ve got the usual favourites: a riddle, where in the Trust? and Self-Isolation Island Discs too.

Virtual Volunteering Times – 15 May 20

Virtual Volunteering Times – 7 May 2020

In this week’s edition we hear a cautionary tale by an anonymous volunteer, hear about life on the farm, ‘Beware of the dinner party’ as well as the generosity and kindness of Cambridge Central Mosque volunteers.

Virtual Volunteering Times – 7 May 20

Virtual Volunteering Times

As volunteering has been put on hold for the time being, we’ve been keeping in touch with a new weekly magazine ‘Virtual Volunteeirng Times’.  With a combination of volunteer stories, CUH Arts articles, ‘Self Isolation Island Discs’ and ‘What I’ve been up to’ articles we think its worthwhile sitting down with a cuppa and having a read.

Virtual Volunteering Times – 3 April 20

Virtual Volunteering Times – 9 April 20

Virtual Volunteering Times – 17 April 20

Virtual Volunteering Times – 24 April 20

Virtual Volunteering Times – 1 May 20

‘ADviser’ – January 2020

We’re starting the new decade off welcoming over 100 amazing new volunteers to the team, hear from Martin Whelan, our Deputy Trust Secretary, as well as say hello to 2 new team members and a fond farewell to another.  Plus ‘Save the Date’ for our Volunteer Long Service Celebration event.

Adviser – January 2020


News Flash – 15 November 2019

This week we have an update on wheelchairs, an update from Doctor Flu, plus reminders of the Volunteer Forum, Volunteer Satisfaction Survey as well as dates for your diary.

Friday Flash 15 November 2019

News Flash – 1 November 2019

This week’s News Flash includes more dates for RITA training, a remember regarding Infection Control training on 22 November as well as an update on the Oncology Clinic refurbishment.

Friday Flash 1 November 2019

ADviser – October 2019

In this month’s spooky special ‘ADviser’ we hear from Bill about his first few months as a Staff Governor, Arthur about his work with the American Battle Monuments Commission plus other news and events and our usual favourites of Monthly Montage and Volunteering in Numbers.

ADviser – October 2019

News Flash – 18 October 2019

This week’s News Flash is has news of the next Volunteer Forum, flu jabs, infection control training as well as introducing Greg, our new interim Volunteer Coordinator.

Friday Flash 18 October 2019

Together - Safe, kind, Excellent
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