Virtual Volunteering Times – 11 September 2020

In this edition you can test your literary knowledge with a ‘Name that Book’ quiz, learn about the new art exhibition in the large physiotherapy gyms, hear about a trip to the Edinburgh Tattoo and find out Anna’s Self Isolation Island Discs.

Virtual Volunteering Times – 11 September 2020

Virtual Volunteering Times – 28 August 2020

In this edition we hear the initial headline results of the questionnaire you completed, learn what Dance and Movement volunteer Cecilia has been focusing on, as well as the fox who befriended Diane.  The CUH Arts team tell us about a popular sculpture located in the Jubilee Gardens, Patricia shares some of her Views from my….  and Celia shares her Self Isolation Island Discs.

Virtual Volunteering Times – 28 August 2020

Virtual Volunteering Times – 14 August 2020

In this packed edition we  have all the usual favourites plus welcome our new Volunteer Coordinator, Anna, learn about Peter’s home town, and hear how John has been flying high.

Virtual Volunteering Times – 14 August 2020

Virtual Volunteering Times – 31 July 2020

We’re delighted to bring you another packed edition containing all the usual favourites including Self Isolation Island Discs from a member of the Radio Addenbrooke’s team.  We’ve got articles and photos from some of our amazing volunteers, including one of a topiary dog!

Virtual Volunteering Times – 31 July 20

Virtual Volunteering Times – 17 July 2020

This jam-packed edition includes an account of amazing road trip, an A to Z, news of how 2 volunteers have been keeping as well as a Loo with a View!

Virtual Volunteering Times – 17 July 20

Virtual Volunteering Times – 3 July 2020

In this edition we find out who won the Volunteer Week Prize Quiz, have some very sad news, hear what Paul has been up to and there’s some more holiday inspiration in our Armchair Adventures.

Virtual Volunteering Times – 3 July 20


Virtual Volunteering Times – 26 June 2020

This week’s Virtual Volunteering Times is packed with news of what our amazing volunteers have been up to, an exciting announcement from CUH Arts, a postcard from the Isles of Scilly as well as a gorgeous Paws Corner.

Virtual Volunteering Times – 26 June 20

Virtual Volunteering Times – 19 June 2020

Its been a wet and windy few days but it looks like next week is going to be a scorcher.   While you’re waiting for the sun to return, why not sit in a favourite chair and read how our volunteers have been keeping busy, how CUH Arts have been front-line supporting staff as well as who enjoys listening to Jan and Dean.

Virtual Volunteering Times – 19 June 20

Virtual Volunteering Times – 12 June 2020

It’s been a bit of a dreary week weather-wise but in this week’s edition we have a look back on last week’s Volunteers’ Week, hear what’s been keeping Simon busy and have an update from Patricia.  There’s also a riddle, Paws Corner and a Arthur has sent us another virtual postcard for our Armchair Adventures.

Virtual Volunteering Times – 12 June 20

Virtual Volunteering Times – 5 June 2020

Its a special bumper edition to celebrate Volunteer Week.  As well as all the favourites we’ve got a messages of thanks, some volunteer stats, photo montage, a competition plus much, much more.

Virtual Volunteering Times Volunteer Week Special – 5 June 20

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